‘Tis the season: Outreach to new church members

Last Christmas was our first Christmas in Texas.

It was our first Christmas with our new church family.

You know what they did?

They asked us — a new family that few people knew — to play a special part in the “hanging of the green” service in preparation of the Christmas season.

We were very honored to take part. It was a sweet gesture by the church to include us in that way and show us that we were welcome and a part of the family.

Are you having a special Christmas service this year?

Reach out to a new family or some new members and let them participate in a significant way.

Maybe they light an Advent candle. Maybe they lead the congregation in prayer. In the Catholic Church, a family usually carries the gifts and communion to the front of the church. That’s a sweet time for a family.

How does your church involve new families and new members during the Christmas service?


Have a great weekend! From, your friends at Hands and Feet Marketing.

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