Growing pains: Are you prepared?
Church growth is good. It's the mission, correct? In the Book of Acts, we see God's handiwork as He grows the Church exponentially. 12 to 120. 120 to 3,000. 5,000 more. Only God! But then ....
Church growth is good. It's the mission, correct? In the Book of Acts, we see God's handiwork as He grows the Church exponentially. 12 to 120. 120 to 3,000. 5,000 more. Only God! But then ....
Persecution shouldn't be a surprise. Jesus told us to expect it. And he showed us how to respond to it. In Matthew 5:11, Jesus says: "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and ....
Our society and our marketplace demand accountability through numbers. Sales. Profits. Clicks. Friends. Fans. Followers. Posts. Tweets. Views. Viewers. Listeners. You're told that if the numbers don't go up, you're not doing your job. (more…)
If you woke up tomorrow and there was no electricity could you still obey God's commandments to be his witness, spread the Gospel, and build the Church? If so, how would you do it? *** ....