You remember high school, right?
It can be one of the best times of your life.
Originally posted October 26, 2012
It can be a cruel time in your life.
It can be a terribly confusing time in your life.
As members of the body of Christ,we need to do what we can to lift up and support our Christian youth — our junior high and high school kids.
It’s not always cool to be labeled “that Christian kid.” With such a label comes criticism. But when these Christian kids stand firm in their faith, amazing things can happen.
I can attest to that.
When I was in high school, a group of “Christian kids” invited me to various events sponsored by Student Venture and Fellowship of Christian Athletes. (My friends were involved in church marketing and didn’t even know it.)
They invested in me. They witnessed to me. They shared stories of how God worked in their lives.
While I attended these events and meetings strictly for the social aspects, the Holy Spirit eventually took hold of my heart and I finally asked the question my friends had been praying for me to ask: “What does it mean to be saved?”
Later, I prayed with my public high school English teacher (one of the men who led the Student Venture Bible studies) to accept Christ.
So, please pray for these kids who face incredible struggles, that they will continue to stand firm and share the Gospel.
Here are some things you can do:
- Pray for them daily.
- Encourage them often.
- Be a good role model.
- Provide safe opportunities and places for them to meet and be themselves.
- Let them share their ideas. Let them express themselves artistically.
- Do everything you can to eliminate any teasing, bullying, or cliquish scenarios within the church. Church is supposed to be a safe place, free of judgment.
- Make available many opportunities for them to bring their friends.
Supporting your youth and giving them the tools to share Christ with their friends will make a difference for eternity.
It did for me.
So, thank you Victor, David, Ben, Paul, Jennifer, Carrie, Mr. Terry, and so many others for being bold and standing firm when it wasn’t cool and during a time you were told you couldn’t and shouldn’t. I’m sorry it took so long for me to get there, but you were faithful and I am forever grateful.