Saturday Rewind: Look to the past to know great things are ahead!

Never underestimate God’s power to use you and your church to change the world.

Need some examples?

Joseph saved Egypt.

Moses led the Israelites out of slavery and to the edge of the Promised Land.

David beat Goliath.

Daniel cozied up to the lions.

Mary, a virgin, gave birth to our Savior.

Peter walked on water.

Two fishes and five loaves fed more than 5,000 people.

Jesus defeated death.

Saul became Paul.

We sinners can be saved!

In Philippians 4:13, the Paul writes:

I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

God has equipped us. He has given us our mission. Let’s not hesitate to obey. Be encouraged. Great things are ahead!

Originally posted January 24, 2012

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