Persecution shouldn’t be a surprise.
Jesus told us to expect it.
And he showed us how to respond to it.
In Matthew 5:11, Jesus says: “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”
It’s difficult to “rejoice and be glad” in times of persecution, isn’t it?
Yet it’s something we’re called to do.
And, like Christ showed us on the cross, we’re called to forgive our persecutors and extend the grace that Christ gave us so freely.
I don’t know about you, but, for me, that’s hard to do. Sometimes it seems impossible.
But people are watching our reaction. They’ll watch to see how we represent our brand, how we market our faith in Christ Jesus.
They’ll watch to see if we extend forgiveness.
They’ll watch to see if we turn the other cheek.
They’ll watch to see if we stumble and strike out in anger.
They’ll watch to see if we begin to judge.
They’ll watch to see if we persecute others in return.
Our natural inclination is to strike back at those who throw stones.
Is that the response of Christ?
I’ll be honest with you. Christ is molding me and convicting me as I write this. I’m thinking of the times I’ve lashed out at others, the times I’ve judged others. As I write, I’m thinking of the many times I’ve missed the opportunity to show the love of Christ because I was defensive, angry or upset. I’m thinking of those people in my life I’ve been unable to forgive.
As Christians, let’s not send the wrong message. We need grace as much as anyone. The people who hit us are the same people we are called to reach for Christ.
And if you believe that someone who persecutes Christians can’t be changed, just ask Paul!
How have you learned to respond to persecution?