Ministry Idea: Give your Friends a Family this Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is approaching.

It’s a time that’s ripe to share Christ’s love.

Several years ago, my wife and I began a tradition.

We began inviting people who didn’t have family in the immediate area to our Thanksgiving dinner. The dinners seemed to grow from year to year. Acquaintances became friends. Friends became family.

As transplants to a new state, we know how important it is to have others reach out to you and welcome you. And food is a great church marketing tool!

Is there someone in your church, on your street, at work, or in your community who doesn’t have a family to be with on Thanksgiving?

Maybe that’s an opportunity for you to set an extra place at the table and give someone the wonderful gift of family on such a special day.

What does your family, church or small group do to reach out to others on Thanksgiving?


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