Kids are Hungry. Let’s Feed Them.

Information from the Texas Hunger Initiative shows:

Almost 20% of Texans are food insecure. This means that, in the last year, 4.2 million Texans either experienced hunger outright or altered their consumption patterns to avoid hunger. Texas has the fifth highest food insecurity rate among children in the nation – 1.8 million Texas kids do not have regular access to food. 3 million Texas school children qualify for federal free and reduced-price lunches at school; however, some of these children may not eat breakfast, go without food on the weekends and may eat inconsistently when schools are closed for the summer.

This isn’t just a “Texas problem.” People are hungry in your state and in your community.

The holidays are coming up. It’s a time when most of us will sit down to many meals. Let’s remember those who are hungry and let’s find ways to feed them.

Feeding God’s people is not a choice. It’s a command.

How does your church help feed God’s people?


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2 thoughts on “Kids are Hungry. Let’s Feed Them.

  1. I originally joined the Elks auxilary last year because their main charity is for the Christmas families. I truly enjoyed shopping and giving. We also set the families up with food and personal items as well as paper products. This year I will be boxing and actually handing the recipients there gifts. I cannot wait for this ministry. What joy I will receive.

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