Is church marketing biblical?

This is often debated, but the answer is pretty easy.

For Christians, church marketing is unavoidable.

Here’s why:

If you help somebody in Christ’s name, you’re marketing the Church.

If you’re sharing the Gospel, you’re marketing the Church.

If you feed a hungry family, you’re marketing the Church.

If you ignore the poor, you’re marketing the Church.

If you judge someone, you’re marketing the Church.

If you fail to greet visitors, you’re marketing the Church.

If you don’t forgive, you’re marketing the Church.

So, yes, church marketing is biblical.

How are you marketing the Church?


Hands and Feet Marketing exists to serve you and your church and help you rethink and refresh your church marketing strategies.

2 thoughts on “Is church marketing biblical?

  1. Good thoughts. You’re right – we market the church just by living. We can’t separate church marketing into its own little compartment – it doesn’t work like that. Marketing is basically letting others know what we have, and it can be good marketing or poor marketing. Let’s go for the first!

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