In the Gutter: A church marketing tip for fall

It’s fall.

The leaves are changing colors.

And what happens after those beautiful leaves change colors?

They fall.

They pile up on the ground. They fill up gutters.

There will be people nearby who are physically unable to clean up those leaves. There will be moms and dads who work multiple jobs and can’t keep up with the yard work. There will be random neighbors who you’ll just want to help. Hence, a ministry opportunity for your church or your small group.

Put together a yard-cleaning crew and gather the following materials:

  • rakes
  • large leaf bags
  • work gloves
  • ladder (if you’re cleaning gutters)

Pick two or three houses and clean up the yards and clean out the gutters. If the homeowner asks why you’re doing this, take a moment to share your story.

This is Hands and Feet church marketing!

What are some of your fall ministry ideas?


Hands and Feet Marketing can help you assess your team’s strengths and develop appropriate church ministries and church outreach opportunities.




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