Guest Blog: Reaching out to Tiggers and Eeyores

By Dr. Bill Fowler

As my kids were growing up, I found myself watching a lot of “Winnie the Pooh.” Whether it was Saturday morning cartoons, or a pile of “Pooh” movies, my exposure to Pooh and his friends was substantial.


One of my favorite characters was Tigger—full of life, often getting into trouble, sometimes a bit of a nuisance, but always making everyone’s life brighter (even Rabbit’s, despite all his complaints).

But another character, one not nearly so forward or self-assertive, touched me deeply—Eeyore.

Eeyore was the donkey whose tail was barely attached. Eeyore appeared to be a bit tentative in social interaction, sort of insecure, and certainly never self-promoting. Eeyore longed to be a part of things, but waited for the encouragement of others. Eeyore was often overlooked and lonely. But when the other characters made it a point to include Eeyore, the ever-ready response was, “Thanks for noticing me.”

Eeyore was always particularly happy when someone paid attention.

When gregarious, outgoing, friendly people show up at church, it is easy to meet them halfway and strike up a conversation that can lead to a deeper connection. Tiggers get involved quickly and we enjoy their energy. But often there are Eeyores who come through our doors as well.

Eeyores are looking for something. They want to find some connection with God and with His people, but they will tend to approach quietly and carefully.

If we are not paying attention, or if we are having too much fun with the Tiggers, we may miss the Eeyores, and miss a special opportunity to find new friends and family in the Lord.

Let’s keep our eyes (and especially our hearts) open to Eeyores in our midst.  Let’s make sure people are not overlooked or left out.

Let’s remember that not every Eeyore is a visitor. Some may be members that long for attention that they will never ask for.  A friendly smile, a firm handshake, a warm hug, may be the contact that makes a big difference.

And be assured that every Eeyore, whether actually verbalized or not, will respond with a hearty, “Thanks for noticing me!”

How do you engage Tiggers and Eeyores in your church?



Dr. Bill Fowler is Associate Professor of Christian Studies at Howard Payne University in Brownwood, Texas. Bill served for more than 30 years as senior pastor of churches in Canada, California, and Texas. He guest preaches often throughout Central and South Texas. He also serves on the advisory board of Advance Him, a missions organization providing support and encouragement toward the establishment of simple, organic churches at the extremities of culture in both the United States and around the world. Bill and his wife, Dianne, reside in Temple, Texas, where they attend the west campus of First Baptist Church. They have two married children, Amy and Jeremy; a daughter at Baylor University, Becky; and a granddog, Spike. Bill is an outdoorsman and is a rabid fan of the San Antonio Spurs. 


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