I’ve heard more than one preacher make the comment that waitresses and waiters hate to work on Sundays.
Because the after-church lunch crowd does not practice good church marketing skills. Waitresses say the people are rude. They tend to be picky. And they don’t tip well.
Is this you?
Of course not.
But for the other people who tarnish the lunch-crowd reputation with their bad attitudes, please pass along these Hands and Feet church marketing tips.
- Be kind and courteous to the staff. They’re working away from their kids and their families on a Sunday — our day of rest.
- If the order is wrong, take it in stride. Ask politely for the correct order. There’s no need to make a demand. No need to make a scene.
- Don’t snap your fingers at a waitress. She’s not a dog.
- Be sure to thank the staff. If someone provided extra special service, don’t forget to tell the manager.
- If you pray before the meal, tip well after the meal.
- Tip 20 percent. What!? 15 percent is normal. Well, we’re not supposed to be normal.
These are simple marketing tactics that will eventually make a difference. And maybe we can get the lunch-crowd reputation that Christ would want us to have.