I was recently introduced to Kickstarter.
It’s a website where people like you and me can go to help other people like you and me realize their creative dreams.
A few weeks ago I had the privilege of donating $29 toward helping an old high school friend realize the publication of his first graphic novel. I am very excited to help.
When I made the payment, I thought about how important it’s been over the years when friends and family members invested in my life by giving their time, a listening ear, maybe a little extra cash.
A former pastor knew of my interest in attending seminary and invited me to a small class he taught informally to those who were interested in learning how to craft and deliver a sermon.
When Corinn and I launched this blog, we saw people emerge and support us in this. They’re investing in our calling by reading the blog and providing valuable feedback.
I had an editor who let me move from the copy desk to the reporter desk because he knew my real passion was in investigating and writing stories. I believe that simple move altered the trajectory of my life and career.
Think of the Bible and how Jesus invested in His disciples and how Paul mentored Timothy.
Can you list the people who have invested in you?
Have you passed on that tradition by investing in someone?
Maybe you’re a coach, a teacher, or maybe an accountability partner. Maybe you let your buddy vent and don’t offer unsolicited advice. Maybe you send a note of encouragement to a family member who has launched a new business.
This year, be on the lookout for someone to invest in. Showing the love of Jesus by investing your time and talents in others is a great way to market His church.