Church ministry: White elephants and diapers

The staple to any good Sunday School Christmas party is the “white elephant” gift exchange.

In the past, I’ve opened ugly ornaments, a radio/toilet paper holder, a re-gifted Chia Pet, and a urinal bottle. All funny gifts. (For me, anyway).

That’s the way a white elephant gift exchange should go.

Here’s an idea. 

Why spend good money (usually a $5 or $10 limit) on something that the receiver will only use or see once before it gets lost in the garage or stuffed in the attic?

At this year’s party, set the dollar limit at zero. Require the gift givers to only bring something they find in their garage or in their attic.

Instead of spending money on a gag gift, ask the partygoers to spend their $5 or $10 to buy diapers and wipes for the local pregnancy care center. Or bring a sack of canned goods to donate to the local food pantry. Maybe bring a gift for a family your class is sponsoring.

Turn your party into a church ministry.


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