Church Ministry: Strength in numbers (and fun, too!)

Buying a house is stressful.

Moving adds to that stress.

But when you’re part of a life group (Sunday School class) like ours, you see God at work and the stress is relieved.

This past weekend, we experienced the love of our class.

On Friday, Corinn and I closed on our new house. The walk-through and procedure at the title company wasn’t without its challenges. And, unfortunately, I wasn’t without my outbursts and lack of faith, but God, as always, worked out all the kinks before the day was over and we owned a house!

Then came Saturday. Moving day. Overwhelming, to say the least.

In the weeks prior to the move, several people from our class told me they’d be willing to help. Some offered trucks. Others offered flatbed trailers. I wasn’t exactly sure who would show up on a Saturday — with rain in the forecast — to help us move.

We were amazed.

More than a dozen people from our class showed up to help. At the storage unit, we had six men, four pickups, three flatbed trailers and a van. At my mother-in-law’s house (where we’ve lived for the past two years), we had two men show up with two pickups. At the new house, even more people showed up to help us unload.

As a result of the response, we had every piece of furniture and every box moved into the new home in less than three hours!

In addition, one couple offered to watch our 2-year-old while we moved. Another couple volunteered to bring us a meal the next day. One couple loaned us some coolers because we were without a fridge for a few days.

It was incredible. Corinn and I were humbled beyond measure. It’s amazing what a Sunday School class can do to minister to others.

It’s easier when four people lift an oak armoire.

It’s less work when you only have to make one trip to storage instead of three.

It’s more fun to move boxes when you’re doing it with a group of close friends.

If you’re not part of a small group, I encourage you to plug in and get involved. If you’re in a small group, I encourage you to be active and engage with others. Your ministry as a group can change lives.

How does your Sunday School class minister to each other and in the community? 


Spring time is a popular time for people to put their homes in the market. Learn about another church outreach opportunity to help your friends and neighbors to ready their houses to sell.


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