Church Marketing: You have permission to laugh

I laugh a lot.

My wife tells me I sometimes laugh at the wrong time.

Like tonight at church while we sang a hymn that had the words “ox and ass.”

For some reason, that tickled my immature funny bone. I laughed like a 9-year-old boy.

I notice I laugh a lot in Sunday School class, too. And I’m the teacher. I laugh at myself. I laugh with the others. We’re a family.

Wives tease their husbands. Husbands rib each other.

Christians can have fun! Just because we love the Lord, it doesn’t mean we can’t laugh and have a good time.

I think people on the outside who look in at us often think they see a bunch of strict, intolerant, Puritans. Maybe that’s just what they want to see. Maybe they don’t want to see that we love the Lord and that joy spills over into the rest of our lives.

Maybe we don’t show that joy enough. I believe laughter is one of those ways to show our happiness in the Lord. (Maybe not laughing at a hymn like I did, though….)

Try to laugh today. You’ll enjoy it. You’ll smile, and maybe someone else will too.


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