Church Marketing: The perfect logo for your church

Everybody wants a logo.

(And a brochure … but that’s another story).

The logo is typically one of the first steps people feel they need to take when they’re developing a brand. It’s believed that your logo distinguishes your brand among the myriad marketing messages that engulf us each day.

So, how does a church go about developing a logo?

I’d venture a guess that millions of dollars are spent on church logos and church marketing messages in America each year.

Let me attempt to save you a few hundred bucks.

If you must have a logo, look to the cross.

There’s your logo.

Too simple, you say?


It’s the universal symbol of Christianity.

If our brand is Christ, then why do we need anything more than a well-positioned cross to tell others what we’re all about?

If we put the cross on the building, then people will come?

Some will.

If we put it on our sign, people will know we’re followers of Christ?

Some might.

But logos and symbols — and, yes, even a graphically designed cross on your marquee — are not the answers. Neither are the paint colors or the furniture in the church lobby.

In John 13:34-35, Jesus says:

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Love is the answer. Action is the answer. Honoring God is the answer. Justice. Forgiveness. Evangelism. Outreach. Ministry. Those are the answers.

Those are the things that honor Jesus Christ. And those things come from the Holy Spirit in our heart. Not the design on our letterhead.


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