Church marketing: Some big ‘ifs’

Churches across the country are building creative communications and marketing teams. They’re hiring professionals to build websites, design logos, write brochures, produce videos, run social media campaigns, buy advertising, plan events …. whew!

I love it! I really do.

It’s fun to see when all of that works together for the glory of God. It’s incredible to see all of those God-given talents working as one to reach people for Christ. I’ve done it. I encourage you to do it:

  • IF it’s feasible
  • IF it’s not a drain on your financial resources
  • IF it’s something you can support
  • IF it’s an energy you can sustain
  • IF it doesn’t come at the expense of person-to-person outreach
  • IF it’s something God is telling you to do

For most American churches, you can’t purchase every new technology. You can’t take an hour of each day to devote to Twitter. You can’t afford a crew to film a promotional video.

If that’s you, I encourage you to simply open your Bibles and see what the disciples did to market the church. They equipped themselves with the Word and they hit the streets. That was their church marketing.

They ministered to the sick. They helped the widows and the children. They preached on the street corner. They gathered daily in fellowship and prayer. They told their stories and shared the Gospel.

If you’re doing those things, you’re doing well. Keep up the good work! Be encouraged. That’s the best kind of church marketing.


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