It’s Election Day.
It’s an important time in America.
But, for me, Election Day can be a day of reflection.
It’s a day for me to ask this question: How did I represent my Lord and Savior during this election year?
I’ll be honest: I can be very opinionated during election time. I can be loud. I can be obnoxious. I can be confrontational.
And when I act like that, I’m wrong.
When I act like that, I don’t represent Christ in the appropriate way.
When I act like that, people are turned off. They tune out.
And it’s hard to share the truth of the Gospel with people who don’t want to listen to you.
Today is an important day. As Americans, we’re blessed to have this opportunity to choose our political leaders. Every vote counts. Every person counts.
Regardless of the results, we, as Christians, still have our commands to seek God, love God, and love others. Let’s be obedient.
Happy Election Day!