Church Marketing: No tryouts for God’s team

I am coaching my son’s baseball team this year.

One of my first acts as head coach was to attend tryouts and rank the 9- and 10-year-old boys who were seeking spots on the league’s eight teams.

I analyzed each kid’s hitting, fielding and running abilities. I factored in potential. And then, using my best judgement, I ranked each one for the next day’s draft.

All kids had their strengths, and they all had weaknesses. And at some point during the process, I had this thought:

I am so thankful that God wants me on His team, despite my weaknesses.

Baseball is one thing. Life is another. In life’s game, we can never be perfect. We all fall short. But God loves us all. His grace abounds.

He wants each of us playing on His team, telling others about Him, sharing our salvation stories, and being the hands and feet of Christ as we serve others.

Why are you thankful for God’s grace? Please share.


Read our feature article on Shirley Robinson and learn how God can reach you and use you at any stage of life.

2 thoughts on “Church Marketing: No tryouts for God’s team

  1. I am thankful that God’s grace is new every morning and I get a clean slate every day. I am also thankful that God has given me my strengths which are teaching , especially with special needs and won’t let me go until I serve Him in my field of strength and will continue to until He takes me home. I used to think that when I retired, school was over but he continues to use me in teaching the homebound children and in ministry with the JOy class.

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