Church Marketing: 7 ways to minister to recent college grads

Fourteen years ago today I began my professional career in communications.

Just five days after graduating with my Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications/Journalism from Truman State University, I started my first full-time job as a copy editor at the Ottumwa Courier in the booming metropolis of Ottumwa, Iowa.

I was blessed to find a job right out of college. I was blessed to be working in the industry that I’d been preparing for. And I was blessed to have a tremendous support network of new coworkers, family and friends.

But not everyone experiences these blessings.

This week, and in the weeks to follow, the market will be flooded with newbies — new college graduates looking and competing for jobs that may or may not exist in this economy.

Some already have jobs. Many others will be looking, and the waiting and the uncertainty will be frustrating.

Here are some ways that we, as church marketers, can reach out to new college graduates:

  1. Encourage them and pray for them.
  2. Offer constructive advice.
  3. Mine your contacts to help them find jobs.
  4. Offer to look over their application materials and edit their resumes and cover letters.
  5. Mentor them.
  6. Provide a reference.
  7. Hire a newbie. Give her the chance that someone gave you.

For many graduates, this is the first time they’re walking the high wire without a net. That’s scary. Let’s be there for support.

Share with our readers how your church supports college students and recent college graduates.


Mentoring is so important, especially for college students. Read about one of my college mentors and how he encouraged me and helped me prepare for life and the workforce.


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