Church Marketing: Make it personal

I bet you had visitors at church yesterday. How are you going to follow up with them this week? (Notice I wrote "this week") An email is safe. It, like all electronic media, provides a ....

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Church Marketing: Reaching out to the lonely

Yesterday was my birthday. My kids brought me homemade cards and breakfast in bed. My wife made a delicious cake (chocolate with a peanut butter filling). I was blessed by many friends on Facebook who ....

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7 ways to minister to missionaries

Pray for missionaries and their families. Pray for very specific needs. Support them financially. Take time to listen to them, read their materials and understand their mission. Send them care packages and letters of encouragement. ....

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Church Marketing Idea: More than a Manicure

Everybody deserves to be pampered now and then. In May, my wife and others from our Sunday School class are going to a local senior living center to visit with the ladies there and paint ....

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