Church Marketing: Nobody says it better than Jesus
Our pastor discussed Matthew 25:31-40 on Sunday. I think it makes for a great Monday Hands and Feet Church Marketing post. Read it and let me know your thoughts. "When the Son of Man comes in ....
Our pastor discussed Matthew 25:31-40 on Sunday. I think it makes for a great Monday Hands and Feet Church Marketing post. Read it and let me know your thoughts. "When the Son of Man comes in ....
So often, I find myself trying to "sell" people on Christianity. The benefits are great, I tell them. [Insert maniacal car dealer voice here and add wild hand gestures] With the FREE acceptance of Christ's ....
When a preacher says, "Heads bowed and eyes closed," I'm that rebel in Row 5 who often keeps one eye open. Why? Because I'm curious. Aren't you? If the preacher tells us to bow our ....
If God intended us all to look and act the same, he would've made us that way. Instead, he made us each unique. He equipped us with different personalities, different gifts and different talents. Therefore, ....
Robert Pierce, the founder of World Vision, wrote: "Let my heart be broken with the things that break the heart of God." I wonder what the world would look like if we all prayed that ....
I didn't grow up in a Baptist household. So when I started hanging around Baptists -- and then married one -- I was introduced to a new vocabulary. Interesting words like dadgum and pea-picker made their debut in my ....
In James 1:22-25, Jesus' brother writes: Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is ....
Celebrations come in many sizes. They can be as simple as a call out to someone who takes on a new role in your Sunday School class or a special mention of a volunteer in ....
Don't just write "Happy Birthday" on your friend's Facebook page. Call her! Feed someone. Organize a Bible study. Leave a 50% tip. Help someone with a chore. Write a thank you note. Send it through the ....
See a need. Meet the need. Praise God for using you!