When you miss church, do you really miss it?

I missed church yesterday. My oldest son had a baseball tournament. I missed seeing my friends and worshiping together. I missed the music. I missed the preaching. I missed my Sunday School class and studying ....

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Weekend Church Marketing Challenge

Don't think twice about ministering to someone this weekend. Just do it. If you see a need, meet the need. If someone asks for help, then help. If your kids ask you to play with ....

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Church Marketing: Eight Simple Steps to Increase Your Number of Visitors

Step One Take a moment and identify three awesome and/or unique things about your church. Step Two Write them down. ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Step Three Prayerfully identify three people who could benefit from one or ....

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Book recommendation: Love Does by Bob Goff (buy it, read it, underline it)

Have you ever had one of those books that, when you read it, you find yourself underlining key passages? And then you realize you should just underline every word because it's THAT good and THAT ....

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Do you really understand the needs of your community? #maybenot

Sometimes we get so caught up in the day-to-day -- writing the sermon, preparing the choir, arranging the Bible studies, meeting with the stewardship committee, keeping the deacons happy -- that we occasionally lose sight ....

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