I’m a Christian and I like Halloween.
Several years ago, I was helping out in a kids class at church. The lead teacher had the kids go around to each adult in the class and ask them a series of questions, including ....
Several years ago, I was helping out in a kids class at church. The lead teacher had the kids go around to each adult in the class and ask them a series of questions, including ....
Buy a coffee mug, fill it with M&Ms and give it to a coworker. Find a photo of you and your best friend, print it out, put it in a frame and give it to ....
I missed church yesterday. My oldest son had a baseball tournament. I missed seeing my friends and worshiping together. I missed the music. I missed the preaching. I missed my Sunday School class and studying ....
Don't think twice about ministering to someone this weekend. Just do it. If you see a need, meet the need. If someone asks for help, then help. If your kids ask you to play with ....
Step One Take a moment and identify three awesome and/or unique things about your church. Step Two Write them down. ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Step Three Prayerfully identify three people who could benefit from one or ....
This past week, I was invited on an adventure. A friend of mine from church asked me to go along with him and three of his friends to the Gulf Coast, where we camped at ....
Have you ever had a job where you get paid to do nothing? Some might think that's a great job. It's not. If you're sitting there all day and you're not being challenged and you're ....
Have you ever had one of those books that, when you read it, you find yourself underlining key passages? And then you realize you should just underline every word because it's THAT good and THAT ....
Our church, First Baptist of Temple, Texas, hosts an incredible Trunk or Treat each Halloween. Last year, more than 1,200 people from the community attended, and I believe it's a model of how a Trunk ....
Sometimes we get so caught up in the day-to-day -- writing the sermon, preparing the choir, arranging the Bible studies, meeting with the stewardship committee, keeping the deacons happy -- that we occasionally lose sight ....