Temper Tantrums: Loud and Ineffective

Do any of you have kids who throw fits? I mean real, down-and-dirty, nostril-flaring, vein-popping temper tantrums. We've got one. Possibly two. When our oldest son would disobey, he'd get in trouble and then scream ....

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Church Marketing: Make it personal

I bet you had visitors at church yesterday. How are you going to follow up with them this week? (Notice I wrote "this week") An email is safe. It, like all electronic media, provides a ....

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Good Friday? What’s so good about it?

Today, Good Friday, is the day we remember Jesus Christ's ultimate sacrifice -- his excruciating death on the cross for our sins. There's so much that happened on Good Friday. There's Judas' betrayal. Peter's denials. ....

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Church Marketing: ‘Me, the worst of sinners’

In 1 Timothy 1:15-16, Paul writes: "Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners -- of whom I am the worst. But for that very ....

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