New Year’s Resolution #2: The Bible each day
A few years ago, the pastor of a church we attended challenged his congregation to read the Bible seven days a week for 24 minutes each day. He called it the 7/24 Challenge and it ....
A few years ago, the pastor of a church we attended challenged his congregation to read the Bible seven days a week for 24 minutes each day. He called it the 7/24 Challenge and it ....
New Year's Resolutions. Also known around my house as "Things you start, knowing you're going to fail." But let's make 2013 different. (more…)
This week, we're offering a few easy church marketing tips for the Christmas season. These will be focused on what we can do individually to reach out to neighbors and share Christ's love with those ....
This week, I'd like to offer a few easy church marketing tips for the Christmas season. These will be focused on what we can do individually to reach out to neighbors and share Christ's love ....
This week, I'd like to offer a few easy church marketing tips for the Christmas season. These will be focused on what we can do individually to reach out to neighbors and share Christ's love ....
This week, I'd like to offer a few easy church marketing tips for the Christmas season. These will be focused on what we can do individually to reach out to neighbors and share Christ's love ....
Today's church marketing challenge is brought to you by the Boy Scouts of America. Boy Scout Motto Be prepared. Boy Scout Slogan Do a good turn daily. Have a great Friday!
This past Saturday, I learned just how spoiled I am. My two oldest sons and I worked with others from our church to put together 100 sack lunches for some of the homeless men and ....
Originally published on August 24, 2012. ROI. Return on Investment. It's a phrase that rattles through businesses worldwide. It often drives the world of marketing -- church marketing, included. How much did we receive in ....
Is your church planning an upcoming event? Before you drop money on advertising, consider this: (more…)