Above (the world) and (not) Beyond (the Bible)

What kind of service do you expect when you enter a store or a restaurant?

Kindness. A smile. Quick and honest answers to questions. A trustworthy and high-quality product. Consistency.

Do you provide that quality of service at your church?

Luke 6:31 says:

Do to others as you would have them do to you.

For churches, we need to go above what the world does but not beyond what the Bible says.

That means we love people unconditionally, reach out to them in Christian ministry and guidance, teach them, include them, and provide them a place free of judgement. At the same time, we should not sacrifice and accommodate beyond the limits of biblical truth.

How does this affect your church marketing efforts?

For some, this means you need to loosen the grip on legalism. For others, this means you should probably cling a little tighter to the timeless consistency of the Word.


Has your church budgeted for marketing? Let Hands and Feet Marketing help you with your church marketing budget. We might just find some areas where you can save a few bucks!

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