Church Marketing Pitfall: Paralysis of Analysis

Yesterday I watched a recording of a sermon given by Pastor Harvey Carey at the 2009 Global Leadership Summit.

The entire speech was as convicting as it was inspiring. But one thing that struck me was a phrase Pastor Carey used: paralysis of analysis.

Basically, we tend to over think things, often to the point of thinking ourselves out of doing things we should be doing.

Does this happen to you?

Sometimes we think of really cool ministry and church marketing ideas. We think of all the good that can be done. We think of ways to get it done. We get excited! We’re ready to pull the trigger.

Then we think about the logistics. This could go wrong. That would pose a challenge. Whose liable if it doesn’t work?

Next thing you know, we’ve thought ourselves out of ministry and out of doing God’s will.

There’s nothing wrong with being strategic. There’s nothing wrong with having a plan. But there’s something sad and defeating when we fail to trust God to deliver on His promises. When we fail to act.

When you find yourself at this point of the process, when the whispers in your head are telling you to abandon the mission, take time to put it before God again. See what he says before you quit.

How do you avoid “paralysis of analysis?”

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