Today we finish our weeklong series of church marketing tips for the Christmas season. These tips focus on what we can do individually to reach out to neighbors and share Christ’s love with those we might encounter as we lead up to December 25 and the New Year.
Traveling during the holidays can be rough.
The flight attendant might be a little grumpy.
The man behind the register at the gas station might not give you the correct change.
The drive-through lady could mess up your order.
A police officer might pull you over for speeding.
It’s Christmas Eve. Or Christmas Day. How are you going to respond?
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day aren’t holidays for everyone. There are thousands of people who still have to go to work. They’re manning the gas stations, bussing tables at the few restaurants that stay open, operating the stores for your last-minute convenience, clocking you out on the highways, and serving you sodas and peanuts in the air.
Cut ’em a break. Be extra nice. They’re away from their families while you’re trying to get to yours.
These are ripe opportunities to share the love of Christ, to turn the other cheek, to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and to forgive.
As you travel this year, try not to let the hassle of travel get to you. Pray for peace. Pray for safety. Pray for all Christians to remember why we’re celebrating Christmas and honor Christ when we interact with others.
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