This week, we’re offering a few easy church marketing tips for the Christmas season. These will be focused on what we can do individually to reach out to neighbors and share Christ’s love with those we might encounter as we lead up to December 25 and the New Year.
My stepdad was a firefighter in St. Louis City for 34 years.
He worked 24-hour shifts, and due to the nature of his job, he was away for many holidays.
It’s the same for police officers, Emergency Room doctors, EMS workers, etc. It’s hard on them. It’s hard on their families.
This Christmas Day, plan to do something nice for these men and women who keep us and our communities safe. Show them the love of Christ by showing your appreciation.
Maybe on Christmas morning, you swing by the fire house and drop off a box of bagels and some quality coffee.
Maybe you visit the police station and surprise the officers with a pan of homemade muffins and some orange juice.
Remember to plan ahead a few days, as many shops will not be open on Christmas morning.
And as we think of these local heroes, please remember to pray for our soldiers abroad and at home who are protecting us.