How does your church rank in your community’s search engine?

Search engine optimization. Or SEO.

In the online world of marketing, it’s THE tool used to get your business or organization to “rise to the top” on a Google search.

The goal is to load your websites and blogs with enough searchable keywords and phrases so that your site will land on the first page following a search. If people share (or tell others about) your content, link to your pages, engage with your site, your ranking will go up. And if you’re really good, you’ll land in the coveted #1 spot.

It’s overwhelming.

So let’s forget about computers.

Let me ask you this: Is your church optimized?

When people in your community think of things like Service, Outreach, Loving, God’s Love, do they think of you? Do you rise to the top of their list?

Are people telling others about your church?

Are community organizations partnering with you because you’re known to get the job done?

Are people walking through your doors because they want what you have?

What keywords would people use to describe your church?

Where does your church rank in your community’s search engine?


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