A church marketing lesson from a one-legged man

My mother-in-law just returned from a mission trip to Zambia.

She is a prosthetist and makes prosthetic arms and legs for people. On this trip, she used her God-given talents to make nine legs for men, women and children. A friend of hers used his incredible talents to make prosthetic eyes.

One man this team helped lost his leg three years ago. As you can imagine, this type of handicap is quite a challenge in the bush of Africa. But, despite this obstacle, the man never misses church. In fact, he gets up extra early on Sundays, grabs his wooden crutches and treks a half mile across the rocky terrain. He’s usually the first one at the church.

And the church he attends is nothing like you and I know. It’s a round pavilion with a grass roof and hard concrete benches. One man plays a guitar and leads the singing for about 50 people. Another man, a missionary, preaches while another person translates.

I don’t know about you, but the story inspires me. It inspires me because the only church marketing involved is the Word of God and people obeying God’s commandments to invite others to hear that Word.

It inspires me because nothing can keep a one-legged man from getting up early and hiking — rain or shine — across hard rocks to hear the Word preached.

It makes me believe I’ll think twice about missing church for a sinus infection.

I’ll also think twice about complaining about the rain and getting wet as I run from the car to the church doors.

It also shows me that the Word stands on its own. It’s beauty and attraction stems from Christ’s love, His life-altering sacrifice on the cross for our sins, and His world-changing resurrection.

And, finally, it shows that our obedience to tap into the Spirit, live like Christ and engage in relational church outreach and church ministries can make a profound difference.

How have you seen the Word of God draw people to church?


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