Original Posting September 6, 2012
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”
The first sentence of the Bible sets an incredible tone and serves as a great reminder.
God is The Creator. He’s an artist.
He passed that along to us.
Let’s honor God with our creativity. Let’s use the gifts and the tools he’s given us to develop unique and creative ways to show the world what our Savior means to us.
Maybe it’s a young artists’ gallery in the main hallway.
Maybe it’s a new member reciting an original poem about her salvation.
Maybe it’s a man in your Sunday School class who plays the guitar.
Maybe it’s a dance troupe.
Maybe it’s a childrens’ choir.
Churches should consistently seek opportunities for their members to share their art. And artists should consistently seek opportunities to share their talents to glorify God.
How does your church encourage artists?