7 tips to avoid the marketing scramble

Churches are busy places. There’s always something going on.

You’re planning an event. Or you’re building a new youth center. Organizing VBS. Launching a new outreach.

There are so many logistics involved. Sometimes the last thing you think about is actually “getting the word out.”

And when it finally hits you that you need to tell people about it, what do you do?

You scramble.

“We need a handout.”

“Can we get that in the announcements?”

“Get that on the website!”

“Put that on the Facebook!”

Here are seven ways to avoid that last-minute scramble to market.

  • Pray that God will open hearts and bring people. If God needs someone there, that person will be there.
  • Create a comprehensive events calendar.
  • Plan your marketing strategy months ahead of the event.
  • Assign someone the responsibility of marketing.
  • Mobilize your church to get the word out.
  • Never underestimate the power of word-of-mouth. Use it early and often.
  • People have short memories. Begin publicizing a month out. Then hit it hard the two weeks prior to the event.

Do you build marketing into your event planning? Or do you find yourself scrambling just before “game time?”


Are you challenged by an individual event? You can’t determine the best way to get the word out? Contact Hands and Feet Marketing. Let’s see if we can help!




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